Saturday, 17 March 2018

Happy Blog-iversary!

Wow, I can't believe that it has been seven years that I've been blogging about my sewing journey. It's been a journey for sure. I have been sewing for longer than I have been blogging but blogging about it has certainly mapped out my growth and changes.   

There has been gift sewing. I've lost count how many of these baby onesies I've made over the years for friends, work colleagues, charities, and family. Sewing from out-of-print (OOP) McCall's 7367 pre-dates this blog.  

There has been a lot of sewing for my love, my dear Mom. This is her wearing what will become her favourite and go-to dress pattern, Simplicity 2372. After a few requested changes to this pattern, it has been remade into countless versions. Mom used to sew our clothes when we were little, and now I have the pleasure to sew her the dresses that she otherwise wouldn't be able to find in the retail landscape.  

My greatest sewing honours would be sewing for my niece and nephews over the years. Left, my little niece is wearing a hat I made for her from OOP McCall's 8548. I made her the matching dress that came with the pattern. It's an adorable pattern, circa 1996, that even has a little boys' outfit as well. If you happen to find a copy of it and have little ones to sew for, I do recommend picking it up.  Right, is the graduation dress, Simplicity 2398, I had the privilege of sewing for my all-grown-up niece. It was truly a labour of love for at the time I was not 100% comfortable with sewing slippery satin fabrics. I was over-the-moon happy to have made this for her special day.  

This young man has been one of my favourite people to sew for over the years. My youngest nephew would make a request and it would fill my heart with so much joy that he would want me to sew for him. It has been many moons since then but it always brings happy memories when I think back to that time. And I have learned a few things along the way.  

1.  Sewing coats is not that hard. Little girls' coat pattern, Vogue 9219.  

2.  A dress is never perfect unless it has pockets. Dress pattern, Simplicity 2372.  

3.  Nothing beats the feeling of lined pockets.  

4.  When you know how to sew and your favourite soccer team makes it to the finals, you can whip up a dress for the occasion. Dress pattern, Vogue 9130.  

5.  Keep learning new skills, you might surprise yourself with what you can pull off.  

6.  Never pass up on a vintage sewing book, they're filled with priceless bits of advice that are often lost in the newer books.  

7.  Reuse and repurpose fabric. You don't have to make a trip to the fabric store, you can have "fabric" hanging around to make into something.  

8.  Learn about fabrics, just because it is the latest trendy fabric doesn't mean that it will be comfortable and suitable. And if it doesn't work out, embrace the lesson, laugh, share, and move on. Dress made by combining Vogue 1312 and Vogue 9060.  

9.  Sew for those who appreciate it, it will bring you both joy. Learn to say no to the others who are out to use you. Your time is valuable. Jacket pattern, OOP Vogue 8916.     

10.  Be mindful, make a difference and always have fun. Top pattern, Vogue 9056.  Pants pattern, OOP Vogue 1325.  Label necklace, no pattern used.  

Happy Sewing!  



  1. Happy Blog-versay! I'm a newer follower but its been an interesting journey so far. Congratulations!

  2. Happy seven year anniversary!

  3. Awwwww! What a wonderful recap! Happy anniversary!


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