Saturday, 17 May 2014

Me-Made-May '14: Another Week in Review

Oh my goodness, it was nippy in the mornings! This week was not about wearing a spring coat, it was warm sweater or wool jacket type of mornings. Luckily, with the budding tree branches there is a hint that spring might actually be on its way.   

Sunday, May 11th

Me-Made Items:  3 
Grey and blue pinstripe wool and cashmere pants Vogue 1325, white french-cuffed shirt out-of-print McCall's 8943, floral dress out-of-print McCall's 9264.

Ready-to-wear items:  6
Black knit tee-shirt dress, black sweater (worn under floral dress above), undergarments, pj top and pj bottoms.

Footwear and Accessories:  
Yellow wedged mary-janes (church), black mephistos (outdoor shoes), black birkenstocks (indoor shoes), red necklace and metallic green and silver handbag.

Monday, May 12th

Me-Made Items:  1
Back buttoned skirt out-of-print Vogue 1918.

Ready-to-wear items:  7
Sleeveless blue top, cream colour sweater, beige tights, undergarments, pj top and pj bottoms.

Footwear and Accessories:  
Yellow wedged mary-janes (work shoes), navy rubber boots (outdoor footwear), black birkenstocks (indoor shoes) and metallic green and silver handbag.  

Tuesday, May 13th

Me-Made Items:  2
Ready-to-wear items:  7
White camisole, red top, cream coloured sweater, brown socks, undergarments pj top and pj bottoms.

Footwear and Accessories:  
Navy rubber boots, Mephisto all-rounders (work shoes) and black birkenstock (indoor shoes).  

Wednesday, May 14th

Me-Made Items:  2
Grey and blue pinstripe wool and cashmere pants Vogue 1325 and flannel nightshirt out-of-print McCall's 8525.

Ready-to-wear items:  6
Light-weight black knit pullover sweater, black pleated jacket, black socks, leather jacket and undergarments.

Footwear and Accessories
Navy rubber boots (outdoor and work shoes) and black birkenstocks.   

Thursday, May 15th

Me-Made Items:  3
Knit dress Vogue 1234, wool jacket Vogue 1263 and flannel pj's out-of-print McCall's 8525.

Ready-to-wear items:  4
Black sweater, black tights and undergarments

Footwear and Accessories
Red groundhog shoes (outdoor and work shoes) and black birkenstocks (indoor shoes).

Friday, May 16th

Me-Made Items:  2
Ready-to-wear items:  5
Blue jeans, black wool jacket, black socks and undergarments.

Footwear and Accessories
Black mephistos (work and outdoor shoes), black birkenstocks (indoor shoes) and greenish grey handbag.

Saturday, May 17th

Me-Made Items:  1
Flannel nightshirt, McCall's 8525.

Ready-to-wear items:  5
Blue jeans, brown tee-shirt, green socks and undergarments

Footwear and Accessories
Black rubber boots (worn while doing yard-work) and black birkenstocks (indoor shoes).


  1. I haven't read 'Up and Down' yet but I did enjoy his other two books.

    It's nice to start bringing out the spring clothes. They seem to be more colourful.

    1. Terry Fallis quickly became one of my favourite authors. I highly recommend 'Up and Down' there is a scene about a PowerPoint presentation that had me in stitches. He has four books out now, I've only two so far and must get to the other two. He's such a great writer.


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...