Sunday, 15 May 2011

My day of sewing mishaps...

Today was the day that I was going to spend some quality time at the sewing machine and tackle the Burda Style pattern #7489 with fingers crossed that the sizing will work out.  I should have also crossed my toes that the sewing would work out.

I interfaced the front, back and sleeve facing pieces and got to work.  My first mistake that I discovered was that I cut the centre front instead of placing it on the fold.  I don't even know what I was thinking when I made that error.

Luckily, using the narrowest seam allowance that I could get away with and finishing the edge, it worked out fine.  The front seam is hidden within a front pleat.  Potential disaster adverted.

This is me making my second error, clueless to this  fact when the picture was taken.  It is the front facing being sewn and do you notice that there is quite a bit of excess fabric beyond the placket corners?

For some reason, lack of coffee is my defense, I didn't clue in that I was in the process of sewing the placket band on the wrong side of the front and marked the placket band with chalk.

Thankfully, I didn't cut what I thought was excess fabric at that point!  Some quality time seam ripping my mistake while the coffee was settling in the bodum and I was set to tackle the project again.  After enjoying the cup of java, I repositioned the facing and the placket worked out nicely.

So this is it so far, almost done.  I just have to hand-stitch the sleeve facing in place and I think I will add a couple of snaps to the lower part of the placket.
There is a scene in How I Met your Mother where Lily tries to explain "I know it's a mistake, but there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake and look back and say 'yep, that was a mistake.'  So really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake, because"... this is where I interrupt ... 

... well because despite my initial near disasters, it turned out fine, just fine.  And the size worked out too!  And how boring would sewing be if you didn't have some seam ripping thrown in to reflect on the process?  

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