Friday, 8 September 2017

In Sewing News Today...

Well, that went fast!  

I'm talking about round 1 of the Pattern Review Sewing Bee contest. The first round was a pencil skirt and today is the deadline for the entries. It's not going to happen for me. I'm working later today and right now I'm up icing my back/shoulder when I should be in bed sleeping and dreaming about fall sewing projects. I popped my rib last week and that has been playing havoc in my sleep patterns and sewing schedule. But I digress... 

The folks at Pattern Review threw a wrecking ball into this round and added it had to be inspired by a piece of music or by a musician. I found a photo of Miley Cyrus wearing a metallic pencil skirt  while doing an internet search that reminded me of this piece of fabric in my stash. 

I thought this could be fun but I'm not all that comfortable with knee length skirts so I thought I might try to get away with something longer.  

Enter out-of-print (OOP) Vogue 2091. I was thinking about the skirt portion of view C. I know, I was probably pushing the pattern envelope on that one. And even though I'm missing the deadline and won't enter it in the contest, I just might go ahead and make it for fun. There are so many creative entries so far, I especially like reading what song, artist or musical genre inspired the entries.  

In other sewing news... 

I recently found this pattern, OOP Vogue 9951, over at Etsy and I have a beautiful silk plaid fabric that I would like to try view B in but the pattern says that it's not suitable for plaid. Do you listen to the fabric suggestions on a pattern envelope? Or are you a rule breaker? I think I'm going to go ahead and break some rules. Fingers crossed it works out.    

Well that is all in sewing news today. I'm going to try to sneak in a few more zzz's.  

Happy Sewing!  

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, break the rule. What could happen.... I think it would work. I think they just dumb it down. Like the other skirt idea too. That top Vogue pattern looks a beauty.


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