Monday, 20 February 2017

Happy Louis Riel Day!

I have to admit, I raised an eyebrow last week when I spotted a sign regarding the upcoming long weekend at the local Fabricland store. In our part of the county, this weekend's holiday is called Louis Riel Day but the store signage referred to it as "Family Day." Hmmm, you would have thought that the local staff would have noticed?  

Back in 2007, Louis Riel Day was named by Manitoba school children in a competition to name the holiday. So needless to say, I found it sad that the store chose to adopt a name that does not acknowledge our regional history instead adapting a name that is only observed in Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan. 😞  

L'Assomption Sash/ Metis Sash
Now, Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan are not the only provinces that observe this weekend with a holiday. Nova Scotia marks this weekend with celebrating Nova Scotia Heritage Day and Prince Edward Island observes the weekend as Islander Day. It makes me wonder if the Eastern Fabricland stores have the same notice in their store windows. Or perhaps it is just a local blooper?

Whatever you're celebrating this long weekend, Family Day to our neighbours next door to the east and west, Nova Scotia Heritage Day to the folks over at the east coast, Islander Day to the folks on the eastern island and Presidents' Day to those south of the border, here's to wishing you a happy one.

Whether or not you celebrate this weekend with the passion for Louis Riel and his life's work, one can not deny the cultural influence of the Metis people to Manitoba. Festival du Voyageur is in full swing and the Metis Sash is worn with pride and can easily found in local shops. It's when I found myself at a rack of sashes at Value Village thinking what a beautiful blanket it would make if the sashes were stitched together. Of course, that's if I didn't have enough sewing projects on my wish list.

Happy sewing & celebrating whatever holiday you chose to celebrate!

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