Monday, 7 November 2016

Monday's Mending Pile

First, have you seen this opinion piece in the news? I had no idea that last month was  celebrated with an online movement called #slowfashionoctober. The article celebrates thriftiness and the make do and mend ethic. Talking about make do and mend and the benefits of buying the best quality that you can afford, lets check out the latest items to make it to the mending pile.  

Last week I wore this outfit.

And while walking out of the door my jumper got caught in the decorative iron railing leaf motif at the front step. Right smack in the front of the lower skirt portion a hole was created. What initially looked like a large hole recovered into a small hole that I could live with as I continued on my journey. Ponte knit has good recovery.  

And by the end of the day, I discovered that my much worn and cherished black knit t-shirt has a hole in the sleeve near the elbow. The t-shirt is not a me-made item. I picked it up at Holt Renfrew's Last Call store many moons ago and it has proven to be a quality item. Sadly, Holt Renfrew's Last Call store closed down and left the city to be replaced by some fast-fashion outlet. They don't make clothes to last like this t-shirt has now-a-days. I can't part with it yet and it's not the first time it's been to the mending pile. 

I really need to copy this top and try to recreate it before it becomes a beyond mending item. So, now added to the November sewing list, a new t-shirt.  

Happy Sewing!  

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