Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The Lenten Sewing Project

Let's face it, I'm not the give up my coffee (I've tried and tried) or heaven forbid chocolate kind-of-gal. Who came up with that sort of silliness when the stores are filling up with chocolate bunnies to tempt everyone anyway? But I digress...

My goal this year during the Lent season is to make chemo caps to donate to Manitoba Cancer Care. I plan to use McCall's 6521.

McCall's 6521

These three styles are the ones that I would like to focus on.  

The challenge would be to make forty chemo caps for the "forty days" of Lent. Yeah, I know there are technically more than forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter but lets start with forty for now and see how that goes...   
I'm so happy I decided not to give up coffee for Lent, I might need it. ;)  How about you, is there any charity sewing projects on your sewing table?

Happy Sewing!  



  1. No charity sewing but I do volunteer every week on vancouvers downtown eastside so I am trying to do my part! I don't know how you do it, I can barely accomplish sewing for myself :)

  2. Kind of, sort of. I am making prayer cloths for the church seasons for one of the schools. I have actually started on the Lent one and hope to finish it this week. Then I will move on to Easter, Ordinary Time and then Red for special Masses (only there they use them for Gospel Assemblies).

    God bless.

  3. This is such a good idea. Please show us a picture of all finished caps at the end of the project!

  4. I like it. i like it alot. What a great idea!


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

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