Sunday, 2 June 2013

Progress on Burda 7304

It has been a week since I sat down to work on the coat. I've been busy fighting a cold, still.

But this weekend I was back at it. Let's see, I've finally finished the sleeves and cuff feature. Along the way I finished off a few more package of bias tape.

Under collar
The only part of the coat that does not have bound seams is the inside of the collar.
Both the upper and under collar have pinked edges.  

Right now I'm finishing the outer edge. Burda suggest using a fulled fabric for this garment. Life would have been so much easier if I listened to this piece of advice.  

Fulled fabric, according to Burda, is a like a felted wool that does not fray. This is not the kind of fabric I chose, so I'm finishing off these edges with more bias tape.

I think it just might be safe to say that I spent more money on bias tape than I have on the fabric.

There is much more work to do but I think it is time to call it a night and make a cup of tea.

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. You always make me laugh ! All this work and money will be worth it , it's turning out great. Looking forward to see it finished.


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