Sunday, 7 October 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. 
Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. 
~Henry Van Dyke

It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada where families traditionally get together to eat turkey dinners. I am thankful that I will not be participating in this tradition this year. I like my family, don't like turkey.

This year, as an extended family, we're not getting together.

It is all good as it is understandable that everyone has their own families to celebrate with and other plans that take them to other places. Not all of the family is in the city this year.

It worked out fine because I'm thankful for a quiet weekend and hopefully some rest to see if I feel a bit better than I have these past weeks. If it weren't for a trip to Costco yesterday and watching a majority of peeps with pies in their shopping carts (they sold a lot of pumpkin pies!) it wouldn't even seem like Thanksgiving.

Even though it does not feel like Thanksgiving weekend with all the trimmings missing, I am thankful for a great deal.

Karen's post, Who Should You Thank?, over at Did You Make That? was a lovely tribute to her Mom. And I have to agree that Moms deserves a huge thank you for sharing their creative skills and talents. My Mom especially. Mama R was the queen of re-fashion when we were kids. She is my greatest fashion/sewing influence and the one that I admire the most for her talent. Although, Karen's Mom did create one wicked tea cozy.

I am thankful the online sewing community that I found and all the wonderful tips and encouragement that everyone shares. This one especially is timely, as I'm getting ready to prep some wool fabric for cutting. Thanks Gertie!

I have a lot to be thankful for, and even though I won't be eating turkey dinner and pumpkin pie with my family, I will certainly be thinking about all that I have been blessed with and the people that are important in my life.

Wishing everyone celebrating this weekend a Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Sewing!

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