Friday, 31 March 2023

March in Review...

Oh my!  It's the end of March already?  Although, I will admit that some parts of this month did feel like it dragged along.  

Sewing, Alterations & Mending Projects

There were no new sewing projects that hit the cutting table or sewing machine this month.  No Lenten sewing project.  No new Easter outfit or bonnet.  Instead, I was moping and aimlessly wandering about, wishing that I could sew.  This behaviour was followed by some deep guilt that I let a cast on my right arm stop me from sewing after watching Gill on re-runs of The Great British Sewing Bee.  A one-armed sewist made this incredible coat.  I should be ashamed of my time wasted moping.  And I am.  I did alter a pair of rain boots proving that I can cut with a pair of scissors.  I have no excuses.  That's about all I made this month, excuses.  Well today, the final day of the month, there is finally a pattern and some fabric on the table.  And I did spend some time this evening with a seam ripper taking down the narrow hem from this top.  Maybe next month I'll get back to some creative work.  


I managed to stash bust thirty-five plus metres of fabric.  The yardage wasn't turned into wonderful wearable things... yet.  I sold off some of my stash.  Someone else, hopefully soon, will turn part of my treasured stash into wonderful wearable things.  I did add four metres of merio wool to the stash this month.  I'm hoping to turn the wool into wearable sweaters soon.  

Happy Sewing!

Monday, 27 March 2023

Monday's Mending Pile

Sometimes there's footwear that ends up in the mending pile.  

And even though it's still cold with a blanket of white-ish snow covering the ground, there are moments during the sunny days when puddles are appearing.  That means it's time to start thinking about another seasonal change-over of what-to-wear items.  These rubber boots were found on the reduced shelf for eleven dollars a couple of years ago.  I didn't wear them a lot last year because sometimes when my leg swells they're just too snug.  It didn't turn out to be the bargain I thought it was when I first got them.  This getting old and fat phase of my life is a real bummer, but I digress.  

Back to the boots, I wasn't willing to give up on them.  I thought that if I just cut some of the height down and use some Fray Check™ on the cut edge, I might be able to use them when the icy streets turn to full-on puddles.  It happened that the plan turned out better than I thought and I didn't even need Fray Check™ on the edges.  I'm happy I didn't pass up on that bargain or get rid of these when they became too snug.  

Happy Mending!

Friday, 10 March 2023

National Skirt Day

One might argue that skirts are just clothing worn by all genders throughout history.  Or perhaps they are more?  They are loaded with history, stories and meanings.  They are political, cultural and personal pieces.  And I've sewn and worn a few skirts over the years.  

Out-of-print (OOP) Vogue 1247 has been a favourite skirt pattern once some length was added to the hem.  This skirt is all about comfort.  The A-line shape works for me and the front pockets are what makes this a favourite.   The pockets are secure and roomy enough that I don't have to carry a purse.  There is a sense of safety with this skirt.  Although, I've out-grown these four versions over the years, I've replaced them and currently have two black versions.  

OOP Vogue 9060 is a comfortable pull-on elastic skirt pattern first discovered in 2014 and very much present in my wardrobe.  Pull-on skirts are my go-to skirt looks lately.  Add to the list OOP Butterick 5790, a maxi-length, pull-on, tapered skirt, as another favourite skirt pattern.  It's all about comfort and that makes skirts worthy of celebration.  

Do you have a favourite go-to skirt pattern?  

Happy Sewing and National Skirt Day!  

Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...