Tuesday, 31 January 2023

January in Review

Sewing Projects

Orange oversized sweatshirt, OOP Simplicity 8529; blue and white long sleeve t-shirt, OOP Simplicity 2372; blue flannel pajama set, OOP Simplicity 2372 and OOP and vintage Simplicity 6851

January's sewing projects were all about sewing comfortable everyday items.  The pajama set and long sleeve t-shirt were gifted pieces.  The orange oversized sweatshirt was a toile project.  There was nothing challenging with these except maybe trying to find some free time and energy to actually sew. 


Top left to right:  Chai concentrate; Chocolate Cake for National Chocolate Cake Day; Morkovcha (Korean Carrot Salad).  Bottom left to right:  gluten-free Lemon Banana and Chai seed bread; Tomato and Lentil soup for those cold January days; gluten-free brownies; and spiced roasted nuts. 

Okay maybe that's not completely true, I've been cheating on this hobby called sewing and spending some extra time in the kitchen trying out some new recipes this month.  And maybe enjoying a piece of chocolate cake to celebrate National Chocolate Cake Day.  I might have to spend some extra time exercising next month.  But I digress.  

Mending and Refashioning

Front facing pieces needed to be re-stitched on the blue hoodie made back in 2016, OOP Butterick 6253; some visible mending on a RTW wool sweater; a white slip, made in 2014, was shortened into a camisole, OOP Simplicity 8666; and cotton tweed pants made last fall was refashioned into a skirt, Vogue 9246.

There always seems to be mending around to do.  But this month I actually did a refashion project and changed a pair of pants into a skirt.  

Stash Busting

I discovered that a local business will purchase previously cherished fabric.  The Fabric Collective will take natural fiber textiles in exchange for cash.  And I was able to stash-bust twenty-nine metres of previously cherished fabrics.  The last of the velveteen was part of the exchange as I came to realize that sewing little girl velvet dresses, although extremely cute, are a challenge that I rather not tackle anymore.  Not all of the yardage was velveteen, but all were pieces that were either left over from other projects or fabrics that are too fancy for my current lifestyle.  In addition to this, another 7.6 metres of fabric, 4 buttons, 1 metre of elastic, 1.2 metres of Knit 'N Stable tape and 1.2 metres of interfacing were stash-busted this month.  

What's Next?  

I'm intrigued with the first round of Pattern Review's Sewing Bee and am going to give it a try.  And of course, I'm ready to tackle that sweatshirt project after sewing the toile.  

Happy Sewing!

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