Monday, 26 October 2020

Can Knowing Your Fibres Save a Life?

According to a study in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, researchers assessed that pre-menopausal women exposed to acrylic and nylon fibres were at greater risk of developing breast cancer post-menopause.  

Synthetic fibres have not been my favourite to sew or wear for many reasons.  The possible link to cancer being one of many.  Environmental impact, pilling, static cling and the list can go on and on.  

So I was quite surprised that the Roots brand tuques (toques for you non-Canadians) featured in the Hats for Hope fundraising campaign were made out of synthetic fibres.  

They're made with 100% acrylic and a polyester lining.  Okay, maybe I shouldn't be surprised.  For years decades manufacturers have been cutting costs by incorporating more synthetic fibres into fabric production.  And it's difficult impossible to find a toque that isn't made out of acrylic now-a-days.  

Brain Cancer Awareness Day is a wonderful fundraising effort to raise awareness on this terrible disease that affects so many.  And I applaud their efforts to raise funds to find a cure.  

Maybe, skip the synthetic tuque and go straight to making a donation while educating ourselves and others of the products and lifestyle choices that may have serious consequences down the road.  

Stay Safe and Happy Sewing!  


  1. I am actually surprised that the people doing the survey could find any pre-menopausal women who hadn't been 'exposed to' acrylic and nylon fibres.
    A better reason to have the hat made from natural fibres might simply be that they are warmer?


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

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