Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Saint Nick Brought Knickers!

Now that the gift-giving portion of the holiday festivities are over I can share some of the makes. Mama R recently asked me to stop off at one of those discount department stores to pick up some cotton undies. I know, the horror!

"I can make you those," I protested. Not that I wasn't willing to drive her to the store. And not to toot my own horn, but I knew I could do this.

"You have no time," she said. 

"I have lots of time," knowing full well that it was a lie. Drats!, she quickly exposed the flaw in my plan, time.

"I can do it!," I exclaimed trying to convince myself as much as I was trying to convince Mom. Besides, we always make time for those we love. That's the meaning of Christmas, right?

I knew I had the perfect pattern in my collection. Simplicity 8229 has been my go-to panties pattern and it was the pattern that I used for this very important project. Once I made a pair for Mama R to try on for fit and then it was tweaked to her liking, there was no stopping me.

I made a new stocking and started stuffing it with newly made custom fit cotton undies. And of course a few Japanese mandarin oranges. What's Christmas without mandarin oranges?  

The fabric used for the panties is a cotton knit and the stocking fabric is an upholstery fabric. Both fabrics were from Fabricland and the picot elastic was found at Northwest Fabrics.

The Stats:  

Fabric:  6 metres (5 metres of cotton knit and 1 metre of upholstery Christmas print fabric) 

Elastic:  36 metres picot elastic (for the panties)

Ribbon:  0.5 metres grosgrain ribbon (used on the stockings) 

Pattern:  Simplicity 8229

Additional Tools & Supplies:  Cutting table, pins, scissors, thread clippers, tweezers, sewing machine, serger, threads, iron, ironing board, new sewing machine needle, and seasonal merry Christmas music for motivation to sew through some late nights.  

Happy Sewing!  

1 comment:

New Blanket: No Pattern Used

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...