Tuesday, 17 November 2015

In Sewing News Today...

The other day, someone yelled out to me, "you have to make another angel costume!" No "good morning" greeting. No "thank you" what's so ever for the four costumes that I had already made. Just a demand that I make one more. Out of the mouths of babes.    

There is no fifth costume in the wings. There is no more white fabric and there is way too much on my sewing table. People around me are sucking the joy of sewing out of me. I don't even want to go into the sewing space after I get home from work. Right now, I have a little girl and doll outfit to make. Not looking forward to this project. Not at all. It is a guilt project. There is no joy in it at all.  

So, I didn't sew today. I made muffins and then washed the kitchen floor. There is more joy in washing the kitchen floor than there is in sewing right now. Some days the thought of sewing just makes you feel sad. Today is one of those days.

Now, I'm going to listen to some Xavier Rudd tunes and eat carrot cake muffins. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel differently about sewing.


  1. Completely know how you feel. I had the exact same feeling when I started sewing a lot for other people. Good luck feeling better tomorrow - it has taken me much longer than a day to get out of my funk.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, I think I'm ready to get back to work only because I want to participate in Gertie's wrap top sew-a-long.

  2. I love sewing. It is my form of yoga and mindfulness. I would hate it if I started feeling this way about it. Someone close to me mentioned about making up shirts from a favourite ready made garment but I just thought nup you dont deserve it and this made me feel good. Definitely go sew something for yourself now.

    1. I have a project in the wings that I'm looking forward to, just need to get a couple of little gal dresses off the table.

  3. Oh, this is sad, but something we are all familiar with. Time to go on strike. I hope you feel better, and get your mojo back. love, Mary

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, I've made a bodum of coffee, sucking it up and getting these projects off the table today.

  4. I have finally reached the point where I sew only what I choose to do. When asked to volunteer my time, talent, machines, supplies, and often the fabric, I only say Yes when I want to. And I would never say Yes a second time if it was presented as a demand! Even when asked to sew for pay, I smile and reply that it is my hobby and I refuse to turn it into "work." Wth a little practice polite refusal comes more easily, and the sewing room remains my sanctuary.

    1. This is going to be one of my 2016 sewing goals.

  5. Do you listen to books on CD as you sew? Sometimes the urge to "hear the next chapter" gets me back to my sewing room, and once I'm there, the project seems like fun again.

    1. No I don't, but this is a good idea. I'm listening to my favourite weekend radio broadcaster but later today, I think I will do this.


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