Sunday, 19 May 2013

Unlined Coat

Spring is finally here. The apricot tree in the folks' yard is blooming with beautiful pink flowers, it is absolutely gorgeous. It is actually raining instead of snowing! And my thoughts are turning to sewing a new spring coat.

The pattern I have in mind is Burda Style 7304. It has been in my pattern stash for quite some time.

The fabric is a recent purchase. I found it in the home decor department of the local Fabricland store. It is a 100% polyester. I'm not a 100% sure how it is going to work out but I'm willing to give it a whirl because I love the print. It also have a raised texture.

I did manage to get all the pieces cut in the main fabric. Yesterday, I stopped by the fabric store to pick up some more interfacing and I came across the most perfect buttons.

I didn't get much sewing done yet as I'm still hurting with this back injury from a few weeks ago. I'm so over this, I just want to feel my old self and get back to sewing without all the mega breaks. But I have to look on the positive side. This slower pace will force me to slow down and take my time with the details of this coat.

Centre back
bound seam using binder foot
It is an unlined coat and the fabric does like to fray. My plan won't be to serge the edges, rather to use bound seams on the inside of the coat. I have purchased seam binding for this and so far I like the way it has turned out. It is not perfect. The latest June/July 2013 issue of Vogue Patterns magazine has an article "Tiny Seams Finishing Techniques for Delicate Garments" which includes instructions for the bound seam.

I cheated with the first bound seam finishing that I did on the centre back pieces. I used a binder foot. It turned out okay. It didn't seem to leave an impress that I was saving any time or made the task easier or created a perfectly straight finish.    

Sew, now I'm doing things the old fashion way. I've removed the bias tape foot and stitching it to the edge, turning it over and top-stitching it in place just like in the Vogue Patterns magazine article. I like the control that I feel I have doing it this way over using the bias tape foot. It might take more time, but that is okay with me. Besides, I think it looks better.  

Hmmm, I wonder how long it will take to finish this project?

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. Would love to see a picture of your coat when you are finished with it.


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