Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Pattern Give-away! (Vogue 1312)

Guess what came in the mail yesterday? Yup that Vogue 1312 that I ordered back when it first came out during the on-line sale. The Pony-Express driver dropped in the mailbox. ~sigh~ The pattern that I wanted to sew for my birthday arrived three days after my birthday. Taking too long to get here, I scooped up the one I used when the new Vogue patterns arrived at Fabricland. Yea, that wasn't my finest moment in patience. But it was supposed to be my birthday dress.  My excuse, I'm sticking to it.    


Sew, what am I going to do with two Vogue 1312 patterns. I guess, I could host another give-away.

Here is the deal.  If you are a follower of this blog, promise not to sell it, promise to give it a good home, use it, share it, make fabulous dresses with this pattern and have fun along the way.

Then leave a comment below stating which of the window ledge funny Vogue poses from the new Vogue pattern releases is your favourite (the one that made you chuckle or shake your head or raise your eyebrow) and I will draw for this Vogue 1312 pattern on Sunday, right after my morning coffee.

I plan to sleep in and then enjoy my morning coffee at a leisurely pace, just so you know.


  1. Oh! Pick me!! Pick me please!!! I missed the online sale, and the Fabriclands in my city (London Ontario)don't put patterns on sale because, as the manager so charmingly put it, "Where else are you going to go?". Nice, eh?
    As far as the poses go, I'm especially fond of the "I appear to have inadvertently soiled myself" one. It's nice to see that models with IBD are getting work...

  2. Would love to have it! V1312 is one of my favorite poses "She waits on her throne" :)

  3. Pick me! What a great pattern and a great giveaway!

  4. For me it's the V1312 pose as well, she looks like she's about to step into a Sumo ring.

  5. I have been working my inner thigh muscles for just such an opportunity!

  6. Oh, I would totally make that and share it on my blog :)

    The post in V1312 totally makes me laugh......I mean really, what is up with that??

    -Sara, Road to the Heart


Hand Sewing / Repair Work

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