Saturday, 25 February 2012

Pattern give-away Time!

There are so many reasons that I can come up with for another pattern give-away. This one is all about the count-down to graduation day and celebrating those who will be celebrating at their proms/graduations.

As you may have read, I have the honour of making my niece her graduation dress. I'm behind schedule, when I had to postpone our planned fabric shopping trip. Yes, YIKES! And now we're trying to re-cordinate our schedules to make it work for a rescheduled trip. Well, at least we can cross off pattern selection and muslin off our list. But I digress...

This is suppose to be a give-away post!    

It seems like everyone is talking about Mad Men prom dresses this year. I guess all the retro inspired television programs has caught on for prom selection. And the pattern give-away too.

Sew, if you are planning on sewing a prom/grad dress or you're totally into the vintage Mad Men vibe and plan on participating in Julia Bobbin's Mad Men Dress Challengefeel free to leave a comment on which pattern you are interested in. I will draw for your choice of one of the three patterns shown here. I just ask that you do not sell them, that you give the pattern a good home and enjoy it. I will ship anywhere. And I will draw for a winner on next Saturday, March 3rd.

Good luck and here are your choices:

Retro Butterick 6582, semi-fitted dress with straight or flared skirt.
Plus a vintage pair of nylon stockings, unopened. 

Retro Butterick 5603, Fitted dresses with flared skirt.
Plus black velvet trim. 

McCall's 6466, Close fitting, boned bodice variations and choice of straight, bubbled, or full skirt.
Plus teal blue ribbon.  


  1. I love Butterick 5603; the second one. Looks like it's got an empire line which I find looks good on me and I love the skirt on it!

  2. Hi there - I love the first one, Butterick 6582 - the neckline detail is really lovely. Thanks for the lovely giveaway! :)

  3. Hi I love 6582 : the first one. I just lurve that front cross over - I see myself in this for my graduation (I'll be 51 then!) but it wont't be for another 18 months - can you wait that long?? Never too late to learn as 'they' say! Thanks - lovely blog.

  4. Oh, those are all lovely patterns! I'd go for the third one, the McCalls. (But that's just because I already have the other two. I do love those reproduction Butterick ones! I've made up that top one, and seen a few other variations around the blogging world - it comes up really nicely.) I've never done a bubble skirt before - I'm very curious to give it a try!

    Thanks for putting together such a lovely giveaway. :-)

  5. Wow...beautiful patterns...I love Butterwick 6582. Beautiful shoulder details

    1. Wow the first two ones are gorgeous! Hard to decide which one is nicer. I think I like 6582 just a tiny bit more.

  6. Ooh, they are all lovely! I think I would pick Retro Butterick 5603... Wonder if I can draft a pencil skirt variation??

  7. What an amazing giveaway! I think I'd Butterick 6582, myself. I really like that top twist action. :)

  8. I absolutely love the Butterick 5603. Would love to make this one up.

  9. Oooo - what a fantastic giveaway, thanks so much! I would love to get the second option please! Fingers crossed!

  10. I love the Retro Butterick 6582!!


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