Sunday, 12 June 2011

Vogue 8709.... almost done...

Vogue 8709 Inside back peplum 
 So with the sleeves attached to the bodice I was able to sew the pleated peplum.

The back pleated peplum also extends to the front and front pockets.

I wasn't quite sure how the back pleat would look, but I actually quite like it.  I think it is a nice detail that balances all the draping happening in the front of the jacket.

I found that it was easier to work with if I basted the peplum to the bodice and everything worked out fine.

I did a lot of basting (and hand stitching), and it was all worth it. The pieces fit well if you match the patterns markings with care.  I didn't find any need to clip the corners to make things fit.  

Now to move onto the facing bands.  Well, this is where I goofed and did not pay attention to which of the band pieces would need to be interfaced.

I interfaced the wrong ones. Thank goodness I had extra fabric because it was back to the cutting board for me!
Can you guess which one?  

One of these is not like the other!

Now that that near mishap was taken care of I was able to focus on sewing again.

The front bands fit perfectly and no issues sewing them in place.
Vogue 8709 instructions, illustrations are shaded as right sides
Does something look odd to you in this picture?  For a second, okay maybe more than a second, I thought that I made another error.  On the instruction sheet it looked like I had cut my pieces out the wrong way.  But step #47 set me straight! Luckily, I looked ahead.
Adding a bias tape finish
I used the pattern pieces for the collar from View B and I'm so happy that I did.  It took some time and care to piece it altogether but I have to admit I was quite impressed with the design of it.  Gathers, pleats, and tucks worked well together.

Vogue 8709 bias tape finish
One of the pieces of the collar has the salvage exposed and on the shirt photographed on the pattern envelope.  It does look quite nice.

I chose instead to finish the raw edge with bias tape and I'm happy with the end result.
Vogue 8709 Inside view of right side collar

A little hand stitching to finish off some of the seams...
Vogue 8709 the right side of collar

The other side...

You're going to have to wait to see what the collar looks like tomorrow.  I promise to post a picture as soon as I have the buttons sewn on.
Vintage glass buttons

I thought that these vintage glass buttons would look good with the print.

But then one broke.

Drats!  I only had seven of these buttons, the exact number that I need to finish off the jacket.

So, I'll have to make a run to the fabric supply store after work tomorrow and see what they have in stock.  I need seven 3/4" buttons.

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