Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Sewing IS Political

Wow, every single time the newly re-elected soon to be president of the United States appears on the television or on my computer screen I turn the channel.  Sorry if you voted for him, but I find him and his rhetoric repulsive.  But today, that person the people of the United States elected as their next president made economic threats to my beloved country.  


Just wow.  

I might be just one person but listening to his economic threat today just makes me never want to purchase anything that comes from the United States.  Ever again, at least, not while that re-elected soon to be president occupies the white house.  

I guess that is my new sewing goal for 2025: no more sewing supplies or fabric or patterns if they come from the United States.  

Sewing IS political.  


  1. Your anger and frustration is understandable. Please consider though that many of us here in the US are just as appalled. We value you, we appreciate the help you extend to us, and many others, and we respect your sovereignty.

  2. I'm saddened that your post seems to overlook the fact that nearly half of the population of the United States did not, and does not, support the felonious, racist, misogynistic traitor. Of course you can support whoever you choose, but your blanket decision to avoid all things from the States is really just another form of bigotry. You're punishing an entire country, when nowhere near the entire country supports this vile cretin. Those of us opposed to him will continue to support decent people, which doesn't include any of his supporters. I will not in any way support his supporters, but I will gladly help those united to oppose him.

    1. Um, excuse me but how does my decision to avoid 25% tariffs and the economic threats to annex Canada that the newly re-elected and soon to be president made this week make me a bigot? The United States doesn't hold a monopoly on pattern and fabric sources. There are some equally wonderful pattern and fabric businesses in Europe, Australia and Canada I can source sewing supplies. As a simple home sewists, I am not punishing an entire country, I am one person taking a stand against tariffs, economic threats and rhetoric about annexation. And I am very aware that not all Americans voted for that person. I appreciate that you expressed support for decent people, but I am also sad that you don't feel I am one. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this matter.

    2. Well, for one, you've made this decision for the entirety of the year when not a single one of your objections has even come into being. The felon isn't even president yet. And this is a cretin with a long history of promises he doesn't keep. Finally, you're presuming that no one is going to stand up against the vile man. I wish you well.

    3. History my friend, please feel free to look up if the re-elected soon to be president imposed tariffs on Canada during his first presidency. The only difference this time is the economic threats and disrespectful rhetoric toward Canadians and Canada about annexing this country with the United States. I stand by my sewing goal and continue to stash bust what I have and support local businesses instead. I wish you well too and appreciate that you shared your point of view. I found it insightful and interesting.


Stash busting: Wool Scarf

  There was enough leftover yardage from the latest skirt project to make a matching wool scarf.  It is my latest Canadian 🍁 made and tari...