Wednesday, 28 February 2018

February in Review...

I miss sewing! That's all that I have to say. All the sewing that I managed to do was one front dart to a shirt dress I'm hardly working on.  

At this rate I should have this project complete in 2019. Most of the time invested on this project has been searching for buttons and considering what I liked and dislike about the first version I made and how to improve the next one. Now, I just need jump start to my sewing mojo.

Fifty-four days into my RTW / Fabric / Pattern fast I failed. What is a gal to do when she stumbles across some blue 100% linen fabric marked down 70%?  Yup, I picked some up.  And then the next day feeling blue I went to Marshalls to cheer myself up and picked up some quilting cottons for some new microwave cozies. I texted my best friend who moved away several months for some help picking out new prints. At Christmas time she suggested that I sew some animal prints and we picked out a few new ones.  It was nice to shop with my friend, even if it was virtually. Man, I miss her even though I'm happy for her move to a warmer local. But I digress... My friend is suggesting that I sew tea cozies! She says they're big in her neck of the woods. Tea cozies. Who knew? Not my cup of tea though. I know bad pun, sorry. I don't think I'll be getting into the tea cozy sewing business anytime soon, or ever.  

Yup, sewing wise February was a disappointing month. I just need to find some free time along with my sewing mojo.   

Until then, how was your February?  

Happy Sewing!   

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