Monday, 3 August 2015

In Sewing News Today...

Sew, I recently tried a new "Premium" quality serger thread on my serger. It was on sale, otherwise I wouldn't have tried it. And oh-my-goodness! Why have I've been so cheap? All these years I've been sewing with Coats Over-lock® 100% polyester thread.

Now, I'm not saying that this is bad thread. Coats Over-lock® thread has served me well over the years and I do like that I can pick up a wide range of colours. It is just that these premium spools are something else.

They are Miniking spools from Gütermann. The thread is finer than the Coats spools and my Janome has been working very well with these spools. Maybe that was what all my serger issues were about? But they are double the cost of the Coats spools.  

How about you, do you splurge on premium quality threads for your serger?

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I dropped off the dress today and my friend's daughter "loves it" which made my day. And I've been told that it fits perfectly. I'm super happy about that since one of the previous dresses I was told the dress sits too low for the young gal it was made for.

✄ ✄ ✄

In other sewing news, I recently stopped by my local fabric store to check if the new Fall Vogue patterns are in [queue the happy dance]--they are in! I don't remember Fall Vogues ever being in stock in late July / early August. This has to be a first.

I also found this beautifully colourful piece of fabric that I picked up for this pattern. It is a lightweight polyester fabric that I found in the home decor department. I love the colours in this piece of cloth and I think it will be fun for this pattern.

A few things to clear off the sewing table and then I can get to work on this project.

Well, that is all in sewing news today...

Happy Sewing!


  1. Cute fabric! And great to hear the dress was a success. You are very good at sewing for others. It can be stressful!
    I have never used premium overlocker thread but partky because I dudn't know it existed. Now, of course, I want to. A spool lasts me rather a long time so it could be a while before I get to use it. I don't think the stuff I use is even branded, other than Made In China. Maybe its time to move up a notch!

  2. I love your fabric choice! I'm excited to see your jacket made up. Thanks for the serger thread tip, I'm going to have to pick some up on my next shopping trip.
    See me @

  3. Ah. Finer thread = less bulk in the serged seam??

    I've only used maxi-lock. And once bought whatever that is that's sold at JoAnn, and had to throw it out!

    I love that fabric!

  4. I use Gutermann thread in my Babylock Quilter Pro and in my Babylock Embroidery machine, never thought about using it in my serger. I am going to check on this, thanks for the tip.

    God bless.

  5. My serger works fine with the cheap thread but I may have to give this stuff a try in my cover stitch machine. I've seen it but never bought it! Thanks for the tip :)


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