Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Blogaversary Give-away #2

This is part two of the blogaversary give-away, Pattern Magic 2 (English Translation).  

I will ship internationally. I just ask that you do not sell it, give it a good home, cherish it, use it, share it and make fabulous garments with it.

I'll draw for both give-aways on Saturday, right after my morning coffee.

Happy Sewing!


  1. Oh Yes please - I do solemnly swear to give it a very good home - I have the Japanese version of PM#3 and have almost worn out my library's copy of PM#1. I have blocks ready to be manipulated and a wonderful group of social sewing companions who can also be persuaded to play ;) After your morning coffee of course - if you were closer, I'd drop a freshly roasted bag of beans around ;)

  2. How could anybody sell something that´s been given costfree, as a gift? I sure would use it :-)

  3. Oh! I've had this book in my Amazon wish list for the last two years. If I win it, I wouldn't dream of getting rid of it. What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

  4. Yes please! I've been looking for a copy of that book for awhile. Some how I missed the first part of your blogaversary give-away so I'm going to check that out now. :)

    Emily's Vintage Visions

  5. Lovely giveaway!! Another congratulations on your anniversary!

  6. Happy anniversary! Would give this book a happy home.


  7. What a honor to enter the drawing :)

  8. Congratulations on the blogiversary! If this treasured book would love to have a trip Down Under, then I would be delighted to give it a great new home! Enjoy many more years of blogging ... J

  9. Again congrats on your 3 year anniversary. Please add me to this giveaway. I promise not to sell it and it will definitely get a good home. Thanks for the giveaways.

  10. I would love to win it and it will live next to my Pattern Magic 1 and help me make lovely and individual clothing for myself and my family.

  11. I've had this on my wish list for so long. I don't think my family understands that I really do want this.


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