Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Changing My Ways...

Something happened this evening. I was over at the McCall's website because I came across an email about one of their sales ending tonight. Now, I really don't need anymore patterns. I have enough TNT patterns to keep me busy and a few others that I would like to find time to sew. But I was tempted by a couple that recently caught my attention.  

To be completely honest, I didn't give much notice to Vogue 9171 when it came out. It wasn't until I saw this version that I considered it as a comfortable dress pattern. And so it went into my cart.  

Butterick 6509 caught my attention as soon as the latest collection came out. I love a jacket with a hood. So, it also made it into the cart.  

And then it came to check-out. And I couldn't do it. Maybe it was the shock of the conversion from US$ to Canadian that turned me off, or perhaps it was the shipping and exchange combined that didn't make it feel like a sale anymore. Whatever it was, I emptied my cart as I reconsidered these two lovely patterns. Like I said, I don't need anymore patterns. And I was thinking about the RTW Fast that I signed up for again.  

Fasting from ready-to-wear really isn't a challenge for me. I've been sewing all of my own clothes for several years now. And recently, I've been changing my fabric choices. The one department that really would be a change and a challenge is to use what I currently have both in patterns and fabric. So, that's what I'm going to do. Let's see if I can go the 365 with what I have in my stash and still fulfill my creative side. One day down, three hundred sixty-four to go!   

Happy Sewing!  


  1. Ha, yes I did the same thing. A few things in the Simplicity sale from sewing patterns.com but those $2 patterns plus $8 per pattern to post to Australia makes it a $15 AUD pattern... no thanks I have enough. It's very liberating.

  2. I'm Fasting from patterns and then I saw the new McCall's. One keep whispering to me, LOL But I'm resisting as HARD as I can - ROFL!!! FIESTA :)

  3. RTW fast is easy, like you say, and even fasting new patterns isn't much of a problem for me as I tend to use the same ones over and over (because I've made them fit, and I'm lazy), but just using fabric from my stash for a year? That's just MEAN! I work in a fabric shop (possibly the best fabric shop in the world) and I can't possibly be expected to not take home *some* things. Surely?

    1. Yeah, it's proving to be hard. I haven't yet bought any patterns or fabric and I'm going to try to continue using supplies from my stash. But I will admit that I've been dreaming of a beautiful wool knit over at Emma One Sock.


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...